Two Blogs for the Price of One

Perhaps you have noticed I have not blogged for over a month. Yet today I'm offering two blogs (see below). What's the deal? Two brief explanations.

First has been that the trial with my mom has taken time away for extras. The past two months have been filled with multiple moves, hospital admittances and visitations, appointments for legal, financial and medical counsel, etc. Recently Mom has been showing some signs of stabilizing, though we continue to be greatly concerned for her spiritual state. Last night we moved her into a studio apartment at the assisted living place. Though she still has a long road to go for true recovery, we hope this place will be long-term for her and the dealing with emergency-like situations will cease. In the midst of the struggle and pain, it helps to keep a sense of humor. Celia asked last night, "Why did we put Nanny into a little compartment?" Unlike what this suggests, she has very comfortable surroundings, Christian care, and many people showing her God's love. Please pray she could receive it.

Another reason I'm writing today is that I'm changing somewhat the nature of this blog. So far, I have been putting Biblically-based essays here that take quite a bit of time for me to write. But as I learn more about blogs, I'm seeing that short comments on a variety of issues are common, and I think will fit in well with what I want to do here. So I've decided to update this blog more frequently by writing on what I can rather than just when I am able to do an essay.

I hope that's agreeable to those who take the time to read this. If not, I guess you can ask for a refund!