Justification by Faith – Mark Seifrid

About ten years ago, Roman Catholicism was without a doubt the number one issue troubling me.  The question of authority, as well as the nature of justification, and especially how it relates to the warnings to persevere in Scripture, left me feeling unhinged.  My world was spinning, as I tried to work through the labyrinth of issues involved in those two subjects.

Along the way, I was helped by a variety of sources.  Eric Svendsen, James White, John Piper, Robert L. Reymond, Van Til- they all played a pivotal role in grounding me.  Let us not forget Edwards’ profound handling of the subject of justification either (link).

Mark Seifrid contributed as well.  I can still remember picking up his “little” silver volume entitled “Christ, our Righteousness.”  It was out of my league.  But I still gleaned a few tasty nuggets here and there.

Here recently, while browsing around a bit aimlessly, I stumbled across his 2000 faculty address at SBTS.  I’m glad I did.  The lecture provides a refreshingly clear and helpful exposition of justification; one that is both scholarly and engaging.  You can feel his passion, even if the passion doesn’t exactly burst out and start dancing.

There’s a lot of theological sanity here.  So if you’re wrestling with the doctrine of justification, I would definitely ask you to consider giving this a go.

Must Listen Factor: Low to moderate.  This will probably only tickle those who are keenly interested in theology.

Difficulty: Fairly advanced.

**Length: **50 minutes.

To Download: Click picture and download accordingly.