Boundary Stones

As I'll be speaking tonight to a college group about the importance of boundary stones, I thought I'd update you on one that continues to be both challenged and defended.  It's the teaching of hell.

A few weeks ago I posted my concern over the new book by Rob Bell regarding his teachings on hell.  If you would like some further follow-up:

  • Time magazine featured this controversy on its cover this week.
  • Al Mohler offers a helpful response to this article.
  • In this post, John MacArthur with his laser-like lucidity rightly calls this man a wolf.

If there is no hell, then no boundaries exist anymore.  For it would mean Jesus lied cruelly to us, cried unnecessarily over us, and died vainly for us.  That's a boundary line I cannot cross.  "Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors" (Proverbs 22:28).