Celebrating the World's Newest Country

Last Friday evening, July 7th, we watched fireworks with friends from our front lawn.  As we commented on how they had been delayed by a storm the prior weekend, our friend, with relatives there, reminded us the fireworks were  just in time to celebrate the independence of South Sudan.  Indeed at that very time, on the other side of the world, a new day was dawning as South Sudan officially became independent from the Muslim-controlled north on July 8th.

As we have dear saints laboring in Sudan through the ministry of _Cush4Christ, _we have been praying for this day.  A few weeks ago church leaders from many nations rejoiced in hearing and seeing of the Lord's work there (to view this report, go here).  May South Sudan's new independence allow for the peaceful spread of the gospel as stated in I Timothy 2:1-4.

To further rejoice and give thanks, you can view this photo journal of this day of celebration there brought to my attention by Tim Challies.  Then, given that over two million lost their lives and twice that were displaced during the brutal civil war, take a moment to listen soberly to their new national anthem below.  The anthem, whose words I also copied below, reflects the growing the Biblical influence on this land.   As it ends, so we pray. “So Lord bless South Sudan.”


Oh God!

We praise and glorify you

For your grace upon Cush,

The land of great warriors

And origin of world's civilization.

Oh Cush!

Arise, shine, raise your flag with the guiding star

And sing songs of freedom with joy,

For peace, liberty and justice

Shall forever more reign.

So Lord bless South Sudan!

Oh black warriors!

Let's stand up in silence and respect,

Saluting millions of martyrs whose

Blood cemented our national foundation.

We vow to protect our nation.

Oh Eden!

Land of milk and honey and hard-working people,

Uphold us united in peace and harmony.

The Nile, valleys, forests and mountains

Shall be our sources of joy and pride.

So Lord bless South Sudan!