Christ the Center – Dr. James Dolezal

If there’s one thing I appreciate about the podcast Christ the Center it would be their willingness to keep the cookies on the top shelf.  In other words, they aren’t afraid to toss around heavy theological concepts and technical words.  In fact, they act like it’s the most natural thing in the world, which is fun, if you’re into that kind of stuff.

Now granted, this excludes a fairly large portion of their potential listening audience, but hey, I love it, so who cares, right?  No seriously, podcasts like the White Horse Inn are great and serve a good purpose, but for those looking to chomp on a little more meat, Christ the Center provides the dish.

That being said, some of their programs are easier to follow than others.  And in the case of one of their more recent shows, “God without Parts: The Doctrine of Divine Simplicity,” the technical lingo factor shoots through the roof.  But you know what?  It’s a great show.  Some of the most fundamental issues of reality, indeed, the very bedrock of ontology, is discussed, and it’s discussed with considerable erudition.  I loved the short discussion of Plantinga at the end.  Interesting stuff.

So if you want to think through the absoluteness of God, an oft neglected subject, check out this program.  But be forewarned, it is a highly technical discussion.

Must Listen Factor: Moderate (or High if you’re an audio scavenger with a strong penchant for theology).

Difficulty: Advanced

**Length: **About an hour

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