GenRef News

We really try to stay away from blogging about blogging here.  Yet ever now and then we want to give you an update on some of the happenings behind the scenes at Gentle Reformation.

It was brought to my attention this week (by one of the GenRef Gents who will remain unnamed, but he must have a thing for numbers because he used to keep a "Sermon Length Chart" of another pastor and me when he was a kid) that we surpassed the 100,000 hit mark on _Gentle Reformation.  _Seeing how some blogs achieve that much traffic in a day, much less a year plus, we note this with modest celebration.  Yet we did reach it, so we thank you for stopping by, praise the Lord for small encouragements, and keep moving on.  
Last week I slipped out of presbytery meetings for a few minutes to listen to a webcast as James Faris was interviewed on [WDCX Radio]( in New York for [an article]( he did here on encouragement.  I cannot find an archive but at least they put James' [handsome mug]( on one of their pages.  James, on a phone here in Kokomo, ended up being on the air for an hour as the host had him speaking to and praying for call-in listeners in the Buffalo and Toronto area.  I will never cease to wonder at God's gift of technology!  

We have another GenRef Gent joining us!  Dr. Richard Holdeman, pastor of the Bloomington Reformed Presbyterian Church, has already made one popular contribution regarding sports and has agreed to write more articles here for us.  Rich is one of those guys who does so many things well.  He has  a PhD in molecular biology from Indiana University where he still teaches; he holds the record for the most career victories as a coach of the IU hockey team; and he serves currently as the president of the Board of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary.  Best of all, he loves our Lord and is a faithful brother, so we are very glad to have his contributions here.

Last but not least, we are glad to welcome our friends at the _[Reformed Presbyterian Witness]( _online as they have made this magazine and its archives more accessible.  In a cooperative effort, the writers at _Gentle Reformation _are doing a series of articles exclusively for the _RP Witness_ in upcoming issues on honoring Christ in cyberspace with the following themes:  
*   The MEDIAtorial Kingdom  
*   The Bible &amp; Technology  
*   The Use of Media in Church History  
*   Great Resources on the Web  
*   Dangers in the Digital Age  
*   Missions in Cyberspace  
*   Training the Internet Generation  
We hope you will stop by their website and pay them a visit!