An Ensemble of Audio

Lots to download, folks.  Gorge your ears!

The Bible Meets the Modern Age: A Conversation with Former President Jimmy Carter

Al Mohler had the distinct privilege of interviewing President Carter.  What was particularly fascinating (and saddening) about this dialogue was President Carter’s evident neo-orthodoxy/liberalism.  This is a man who knows a good deal of theology.  But unfortunately, it is the kind of theology that fancies the spirit of this age, rather than the Spirit of Christ.

Well worth a listen.

Tolerance on Trial: A Conversation With D. A. Carson

Speaking of Al Mohler’s podcast, this interview with D.A. Carson is excellent.  This particular topic has been kicked around plenty and might therefore feel a tad stale to some.  Nevertheless, given the skill and insight these two men bring to the table, the familiarity of the discussion more closely resembles that of a tasty favorite, than an old cracker.

Alpha and Omega Ministries: Isaiah 53

In this podcast, James White and Michael Brown trek through the text of Isaiah 53, descending both into the detailed crevasses of the passage as well as ascending unto the tops of the lofty themes contained therein.  The entire talk is apologetic in nature.  This would no doubt be a good evangelistic resource for religious/informed Jews.

Other noteworthy talks:

Panel Discussion on Gay Marriage (Mark Dever and Al Mohler)

Panel Discussion on Complimentarianism (From T4G)