The Blog to End All Blogs? A Post-Election Plea

Many thanks to Barry York, James Faris and Nathan Eshelman – and by extension to Dr. Joel Beeke! - for your heartfelt articles pertaining to the national elections (forgive me if I missed any authors!).  Thanks for being willing to step into the virtual minefield of this volatile topic with  the courage of your convictions as well as the kindness and humility which demonstrate your sincere love for Christ and desire to serve Him.  Thanks for leading by example in ensuring that Gentle Reformation is able to address fiery topics with the fruit of the Spirit.

Now that the election is over, may I encourage each of us who has benefitted from these blogs and spent time reading, blogging, posting, pinging and twittering to convert much of our time in social media to praying from our hearts and to working with our hands.  I’m not at all minimizing the value, indeed the necessity, of such online conversations.  My blog is not meant to discourage blogging – I recognize the big potential for irony and hypocrisy here!  I only mean to encourage us to always go beyond blogging.  The day about which we’ve debated is done, and there is so much work yet to do, particularly in defending the most defenseless among us.  The voiceless and voteless unborn did not fare well in Tuesday’s elections.

Please remember that if statistics hold true in our country, some two thousand more of these precious people will die by the end of this day, or whatever day you read this.  Whatever our respective convictions with regard to politics, let us be sure to be _active _in ways which will actually touch and Lord willing even rescue these tiny image bearers.  Their lives, no matter how long in this world, are powerful praises of the glory and goodness of our God.  Let us minister to their moms as well!  These ladies and young ladies are so often the victims of lies regarding the life they hold within them.  When the truth about abortion hits their hearts, it hits hard.  And let us minister to the dads who helped make these children, some of whom have little say in whether their children live or die.  Let us be there for the families of the dads who do not want to be there themselves.

The King whom the nations must worship is the Defender of the fatherless and widow, the One who took babes in His arms and blessed them.  Blogging is one means of serving Him, but let us ever move beyond blogging in our efforts to minister His loving care – especially to those for whom our society seems to care less and less.  May God grant our nation repentance unto life, and unto long  lives for these little ones!  And may He do so by the loving labors of those who confess Christ as King of the nations!