Browse Worthy: More Meditative Thoughts on Tragedy

Jared's post on Saturday helped me a great deal to think in a Biblical way about the tragedy in Connecticut.  We need this clear rather than emotive thinking at times such as these.  Instead of running to the Drudge Report, mainstream media news, or Facebook for more informational overload (which leads to emotional overload), why not meditate in a more helpful manner?  How so?

First, follow the advice of David Murray and stop the "Peeping Tom" syndrome news agencies encourage when situations like this occur. Next, let an overseas missionary lovingly remind you of how prevalent and unusual tragedy really is in this sin-cursed world.  Then, let  Al Mohler give you further theological instruction on how to process, pray, and discuss the awful brokenness sin has brought with the compassion and victory of Christ.

I cannot believe one reporter actually interviewed, with the permission of her parents, a little surviving girl near the scene of the tragedy who had just left the school.  It was made worse when, seeing she was not able to say much, he displayed his mindlessness further by dismissing her with these words: "Go and enjoy the day with your family."

May we not, in the virtual world of the internet, do the same.