Browse Worthy: Preaching Helps

Whether you are doing the preaching or sitting under it, these articles offer some helpful guidance.

What is a Preacher? - Using the text of Ezekiel 33, David Murray of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary gives eight positive qualities of how a preacher should be viewed. For the opposite side of the coin, see his article on the ten erroneous views of what a preacher should be.

Commentary Lists - When considering commentaries, which ones do you consult?  It helps to know what others recommend, and some have put out their "Top Ten" or "Top Five" lists to assist us  A few that I have found helpful are the ones by Joel Beeke (all which can be found on Reformation Heritage Books but are helpfully summarized at Virginia is for Huguenots), Keith Mathison of Ligonier, and the developing one by Tim Challies (see the bottom of this page for his list of reviews so far).

The Old Testament Law & Christian Living - This excellent article by  Nelson D. Kloosterman of Mid-America Reformed Seminary is based on the Belgic Confession's Article 25, which in part states that "We believe that the ceremonies and symbols of the law have ceased with the coming of Christ, and that all shadows have been fulfilled, so that the use of them ought to be abolished among Christians. Yet their truth and substance remain for us in Jesus Christ, in whom they have been fulfilled."  Offering ample Scriptural support from the New Testament for that last phrase, Dr. Kloosterman encourages us to preach Christ as the fulfillment of Old Testament law rather than the abolition of it.  As I prepare to teach preaching from the Old Testament this fall, this article was a reminder of how deeply woven with Christ the Old Testament truly is. (HT: Randy Snyder)

The Indispensable Expendables -Having just left a "long-term" (this article questions that description!) pastorate myself, I found this meditation by my friend and fellow blogger Rut ringing so true.  All of God's people need this perspective on the pastorate as we journey along in this transient world.