Conference on Sanctification with Tim Challies & David Murray

After classes, I'm racing off to Indianapolis next Friday, November 15th, to attend the conference "Sanctification: Overcoming Modern Challenges" being held at the Second Reformed Presbyterian Church there.  Two of our blogging friends, pastors David Murray and Tim Challies, will be addressing this topic.

Here is the description from the brochure:

Is a believer’s sanctification simply believing more in his or her justification? What place do effort and discipline have in this process? How can we focus on growing in Christ as we live in a fast-paced and distracted society? Through this conference, Dr. David Murray and Tim Challies will address these questions, focusing on four modern challenges to our sanctification and giving practical steps to overcome them so that we daily grow more and more to be like our Lord Jesus Christ. They will address the radical and extra-ordinary kind of life strongly advocated by many Evangelicals and look at the modern version of “let go and let God.” They will call us to live lives of focused godliness and pursue positive sanctification. In all, we will be strengthened as we seek to fight the “good fight of faith” and press on in righteous and holy living.

The conference is free of charge. A freewill offering will be collected to help defray expenses.
So let's get this straight.  It is a free conference on a much needed topic, two energetic kingdom thinkers are speaking, and there will be a Reformation Heritage Books book table available to boot.  Why would you not go if you can?  Hope to see you there!

For more information, you can see the conference brochure at   Here is the schedule: