A Hidden Treasure

One of the blessings I experience daily in my work at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary is chapel.  Each day, we pause from work and classes for a half hour to sing, pray, and hear God's Word read and preached.  As we have more students from other nations than anytime in RPTS history, many of the wives and children of students living near the seminary attend, and there is a great spirit of fellowship in our community, chapel feels more than ever like a slice of heaven.

I realized recently that this is a blessing I could and should share with others.  RPTS has a its own YouTube channel of the messages that are preached each day, with the videos archived here. This relatively unknown site is a great resource to hear messages given by professors and students alike, helping the church hear what's on the heart of the men that serve at RPTS as well as becoming familiar with up and coming preachers.  And given that the length of the messages are about twenty minutes or so, you can enjoy hearing these devotionals without a huge time commitment.

I thought I would provide a little sampling.  Immediately below is a wonderful mediation Dr. C.J. Williams gave yesterday from Isaiah 45:22 about turning our faces toward God.


Yet I'm not only edified by my colleagues.  Hearing students from other places in the world such East Asia, Haiti, Singapore, and India open God's Word has been fascinating and humbling.  This is especially true knowing that some of them are preparing to go back and suffer in ways that few of us in the West experience.  Sadly, because of these oppressive conditions caused by their governments, some of the men's sermons cannot be uploaded in order to protect them.

However, here is one of our young men, Brennan McCafferty, who has been gifted with a great mind and heart for God's Word.  That is evidenced by his memorization of the passage from which he preached, Acts 16:6-15.  Enjoy!
