The RPTJ is Now Available!

Recently the faculty of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary published the first edition of a new journal. The _Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal _will be an online publication in order to make it more readily available.  The plan is to publish two issues per year, and will be found on the resource page of the seminary's website.

For a further explanation, read the opening column of the journal entitled "From Rutherford Hall" by our president.

As I write this column, I am sitting in my office in Rutherford Hall, the grand, former Horne Mansion situated on the small campus of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) in the East End of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. By God’s grace, the Seminary has a long and noble history like the building itself, dating back to its establishment in 1810. Given Rutherford Hall is the location where so much of the life of RPTS takes place – classes, chapel services, conferences, meals, fellowship – that is the name given to this column. We anticipate this feature being a regular part of this new journal being launched by RPTS. The journal, to no one’s surprise, will be called the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal.

I believe you will find the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal to be a professional journal that reflects the ministry of this seminary —a theological journal that will be both scholarly and pastoral in tone. For years the tagline at RPTS has been Study Under Pastors; and after a number of years of considering the advisability of having yet another professional journal, we at RPTS believe that the time is now right for us to make our contribution. We pray that this semiannual journal will be helpful to the church as we seek to raise up shepherds who feed the flock and minister to the souls of all who are under their care.

The name Rutherford draws our attention all the way back to the Second Reformation in Scotland in the mid-seventeenth century. Samuel Rutherford himself was a pastor, theologian, and author during this remarkable time. Rutherford’s Letters and Lex Rex are but two of his works which the Lord has used powerfully in His church throughout the intervening centuries. Rutherford was also a Scottish commissioner to the Westminster Assembly in the 1640s, an assembly that produced what today we call the Westminster Standards, arguably the finest summary of Biblical doctrine ever written.

In this inaugural issue, the articles are based on lectures regarding the Law of God given at our 2014 Westminster Conference that takes place each fall. We hope you enjoy our journal and find that some of that same Spirit the Lord gave to Rutherford, our faithful forefather in the faith, can be found here. If you do, please tell others about it and come back to see us again.

For Christ and His Kingdom,

Jerry O’Neill, RPTS President