Rainbow Colored Questions With Replies
You may have noticed a recent article by Kevin DeYoung. It was entitled, “40 Questions for Christians Now Waving Rainbow Flags.”
The questions were both succinct and well-framed. Answering them honestly forces one to grapple with fundamental issues.
Following on the heels of DeYoung’s article, well known advocate of gay marriage, Matthew Vines, posed his own 40 question list. His were likewise meant to catch the unthinking off guard.
Given the colossal import of the subject, Christians ought to answer his questions. See how you would handle them. Discuss it as a family. The times demand it.
As one might very well imagine, a number of different Christians have replied. Two noteworthy responses have come from the pens of James White and Douglas Wilson. They deserve attention.
To stress again, I’d encourage you in particular, fathers, to sit down with your family, discuss the questions, wrestle with the replies and help prepare both yourself and your loved ones for the inevitable, namely, that moment when you will be asked a straightforward question about sexual ethics.