A Little Bit of Everything

• Oxford mathematician and Christian apologist, John Lennox, recently gave an encouraging and enjoyable talk on Daniel. He expanded upon the theme of faithfulness, challenging us to, as his title suggests, go against the flow. A Q and A session at the end brings the total listening time to 1:10:20.

• There’s an old saying, “When I went to school, I had to walk uphill... both ways... through four feet of snow!” Well, in the fascinating documentary, On The Way To School, that impossibility nearly becomes reality. Watch as four different groups of kids embark on their (almost) daily trek across harsh but beautiful landscapes to school.

This one can and should be watched with the entire family.

Here’s the trailer.


• The “already-not-yet” nature of justification has been the subject of some interest to me over the years. Tucked away in his massive tome, A New Testament Biblical Theology, G.K. Beale offers a helpful presentation on the imputation of Christ’s righteousness, along with a careful consideration of the eschatological dimensions of justification. You can read more in the chapter entitled, The Inaugurated Latter-Day Justification. That will require you to of course pick up his book, which you can do here.