3GTing (Part 2)

Another endorsement has just rolled in for 3GT!

The most important commendation I could receive has come from the pen of my wife, Bekah. It is flattering to say the least. And I’m very thankful for it.  But perhaps I should add another wee little touch of truth at the end...

"After twenty years of marriage, my husband still often surprises me with an unusual perspective or unique insight. He shares his opinions with enthusiasm that is contagious. He is also creative, and funny, and transparent. These are some of the reasons why I love him... on the other hand, that quirkiness, passion, sense of humor, and candor also made me a little nervous about what he might say when recording 3GT. But I worried for nothing! Each man brings his own unique personality and perspective. They agree enough to make it encouraging, but disagree enough to make it interesting.

Listening to 3GT reminds me of sitting with good friends at a fellowship meal. What a blessing to have the ability to bring such thought-provoking and godly conversation with me wherever and whenever I want. Many of the stories are about everyday life, and the topics are sometimes pretty ordinary, but what makes the podcast so refreshing is that these men do not compartmentalize their lives. Their theology and love for Jesus impact their perceptions, opinions, decisions, and thoughts in fascinating and sometimes unexpected ways."

Now I need to do a little translation work. When she says, “That quirkiness, passion, sense of humor, and candor also made me a little nervous about what he might say when recording 3GT,” the word “little” is a tad understated. I wouldn’t say colossally nervous. That would be too much. But it’s somewhere between mildly and enormously.

The truth is that I have been given strict instructions not to talk about my wife on 3GT. A fuss was made over what I said at the beginning of episode 3. Now I would never want to draw anyone’s attention to that moment, so I won’t say anything more... other than to add a little link. And as far as the future is concerned, well, I’ll try my best ;-)