Browse Worthy: Kim Davis

Yes, Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk refusing to sign marriage licenses for same sex couples, is doing the right thing. Here are four good reasons why, stated by others clearly and logically.

"Kim Davis Broke an Illegitimate, Evil Law, and God Bless Her for It," says Matt Walsh.

According to Mike Huckabee, she is asking the appropriate question. "Under what law am I authorized to issue homosexual couples a marriage license?" A Supreme Court ruling is not the law.

Douglas Wilson quotes Thomas Jefferson who said, "When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty." He then explains why "it is a shame that a 18th century Deist has a better grasp of the relationship of righteousness to government than do two and a half busloads of 21st century Reformed seminary professors." Ouch!

And as David Murray says, "We Don't get to Choose Our Martyrs."