A Prayer For Sanctity of Life Sunday

The saints at McIlwain Presbyterian Church confessed this prayer publicly this past Lord's Day.  I would like to leave it here for your consideration as well.

Pastor: O Lord our God: You have made us for Your glory- and even though every one of us in fallen and in a profound state of sin, we still retain within us Your glorious image.  For this we give You praise and thanks!  Yet we confess we live among a people who have disregarded the preciousness of that image, who have assaulted many of the weakest among us; those in the womb.  Forgive our land, Lord God, for the horrible murder of the unborn by abortion and for the many ways those born have been abandoned or abused.  We join our hearts to pray for Your mercy upon the leaders of our city, county, state, and country to acknowledge that abortion is murder.  In Your kindness lead them to repentance and action to end this evil.

All: Yet we, Your people, confess our need for forgiveness as well!  Even though we cannot say, "Behold, we did not know this" we have all too often turned a blind eye to this slaughter.  Even when we have acknowledged it, we have mostly spoken and not acted.  We confess that such talk is cheap and unloving and so we have become as resounding gongs and clanging cymbals.  Even worse, we have been tempted to believe that because the tide of the culture is against us, we should simply give up.  Forgive us for not truly seeking to be active in this spiritual battle.  Forgive the selfish fear and pride which keeps us from being involved in standing for life.

Pastor: Father, we also confess that we have had a vengeful spirit toward the perpetrators and proponents of abortion.  Forgive us!  Forgive us for not leaving room for Your vengeance- for You to act in Your name and in Your way.  Yet, also, we ask you to forgive us for not leaving room for Your mercy, if such be Your will, for not sincerely praying for their repentance and salvation.  Forgive us for not standing firm- and forgive us for not humbling ourselves and seeking You in prayer.

All: But we especially ask Your forgiveness for our lack of compassion for the living victims of this tragic crime, those mothers and fathers who have realized their actions too late.  Give us the opportunity to minster the grace of Christ through the forgiveness of His Gospel, that they may know Your healing, forgiveness, and love.  We thank You for the emboldening power of Your Holy Spirit, so that we would not faint in the day of adversity and that we might indeed rescue those who are being taken away to death.

Pastor: May we always trust in Your sovereign goodness; always hope in Your righteous justice; and may we always persevere in the grace of Your Son, our Savior, in Whose name we pray.

All: Amen.