A GenRef Update
Though we basically like to blog rather than blog about our blogging, every now and then we like to update you about things going on behind the scenes here at _Gentle Reformation. _Here are a few items to share.
First, if you want a good reminder of why we chose the name, please read Tim Challies' excellent article "The Character of the Christian: Gentle." We do not lay claim to being fully gentle as described here but we are striving toward it on this blog. Tim asks in the self-evaluation section of his article, "Do you like to play the devil’s advocate? Do you like a good argument? What would your social media presence indicate?" We try to ask ourselves questions like these before we publish. Numerous times one of us will submit an article to another for feedback before publishing or even accept a veto and not publish. We will not hesitate to address difficult issues, but hope to do so in a gentlemanly manner that promotes the peace and welfare of the church.
Second, it is no secret to many of our readers that most of the writers here are from the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Though we have no stated policy to limit our authors to this branch of Christ's church, natural relationships and common interests have caused a number of us to band together in this endeavor. We do not see ourselves as any type of official mouthpiece for the church beyond the role many of us have as pastors. Rather, we just view _Gentle Reformation _as an extension of our ministries and way to promote the kingdom of God. We love to share what the Lord is teaching us and welcome all to come and read.
Third, as we move further toward a goal of daily blogging, you may have noticed we have two new authors who have now joined us! Andrew Kerr and Mark Loughridge have become GenRef Gents as I like to call them. They are both pastors in Northern Ireland, and we are excited as they blog and provide weekend articles for you. Please click their names to see their handsome mugs and read more about their lives and ministry.
Fourth, after receiving some constructive criticism on the 3GT podcast, we have made some programmatic changes in recent episodes that we hope make the show more focused and practical for listeners. Plus, we added some theme music called "Big Band Boogie Groovy" which is fun to say and even better to hear. So hit the link, find us on iTunes, or search for us on your podcast app and give us a try. We guarantee you will groove with us at least during the first minute.
Fifth and finally, most of us are technologically challenged. So with the help of some friends we have discovered some "holes" in our use of ways to spread _Gentle Reformation _and have sought to shore those up. So note at the bottom right you can now sign up to receive _Gentle Reformation _via email. Also, after having somewhat of a "hit or miss" approach before, you should now be able to find _Gentle Reformation _and follow us on your favorite social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
We are always glad to hear from you here at Gentle Reformation, be it in the comments section, on social media, or by using the form below. Thank you!
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