Browse Worthy: Trinitarianism and Complementarianism (Part 3)

As has been noted by this first list of articles then another post, a fascinating and important debate has been taking place about the doctrine of the Trinity in seeking to find support for complementarianism. The need for the church to be clear regarding the Godhead as revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit cannot be overemphasized (as this post also reminded us).

Some further posts are shared below that help crystallize the issues. There is a world of difference between saying that the eternally generated Son submitted to the Father before the incarnation (resulting in God having more than one will) and saying that in their eternal counsel the Son as man would submit to the Father (the belief that Christ has both a divine and human will). I hope and pray that the truth of who God is and how He has chosen to reveal himself will triumph over desires to support in an unwarranted manner a lesser teaching of Scripture or, worse yet, to protect reputations. For there is no dishonor in being corrected and accepting it.

Sitting at Douglas Kelly’s Feet: Subordination and the Current Debate | Daniel F. Wells (June 26, 2016)

Heresy and Humility — Lessons from a Current Controversy | Al Mohler (June 28, 2016)

A Reply to Dr. Mohler on Nicene Trinitarianism | Carl Trueman (June 28, 2016)

The Irony of Mohler’s Post on the Trinity | Mark Jones (June 29, 2016)