One Tasty Audio Pick... And Let's Toss in a Movie for Fun

So the theme is ethical dilemmas.

Both the RadioLab episode and the movie I'm about to recommend present us with situations that unsettle our ethical equilibrium.  Sometimes life in a cursed, sin filled world create impossible situations.  Choice A is bad.  And so is choice B.  So which do you choose and why?  That's where the conversation must inevitably turn.

So tune in to RadioLab's powerful episode Playing God for an example of this problem.  And if that isn't enough, check out the movie _Eye in the Sky.  _Both are well worth your attention.

Oh, and if you don't know anything about the movie Eye in the Sky and you are interested (Warning: some language and a little bit of violence), don't watch the trailer.  It gives too much away.  Just jump in.

Maybe I can get the 3GT gents to discuss these?...

We shall see.