Refreshment on Revival

At last.....  almost a month without proper internet access & the stress of moving to a new house. Which reminds me of a few thoughts I had some time ago on Revival from Zechariah 1.1-6....

Exile was now over. The people had returned. State-sponsored rebuilding of the House of Yahweh in Jerusalem had been decreed by Cyrus . The harsh reality of life in the Empire back in their homeland which had not, as yet, lived up to their dreams of restoration. The Jews as a consequence had grown spiritually gloomy and cold. So the Prophet of God is sent to stir up his returned Church. There are at least ten lessons or principles the Spirit gives us which help us think properly about revival...

  1. The Church always tends to decline so is constantly in need of revival v4.

  2. Church revival comes through the efficacious preaching of the Word of God v1, 3 & 6.

  3. Church revival comes with messages which place a stress on sinful behaviour or practice & the need for the grace of repentance v2, 4 & 6.

  4. Church revival comes after a period of chastening & acknowledgment of waywardness on the part of the people of God v6b.

  5. Church revival is forgotten by previous generations who make the same mistakes all over again & repeat the same patterns that mark spiritual decline v2-4.

  6. Church revival is a returning of the Covenant God to renew His relationship with people whom he turns back by His Word to Himself which leads to blessing v3b, 4b & 6b.

  7. Church revival is only possible through the gracious sending of messengers to preach the Gospel of Repentance for the Forgiveness of sins v6.

  8. Church revival takes place within the Church for only what is living can be revived v1-6.

  9. Church revival takes place through the Sovereign Power of God v1 & 3b.

  10. Church revival is preceded by preaching & often comes to a careless, negligent, prayerless people v1 & 4.

May God in His mercy be pleased to use the musings as individuals, churches & nations we return to Him.