3GT Episode 40: Cate-schisms?

Tim Keller has the 3GTers thinking! The parishionier has read a number of catechisms, including the New City Catechism (NCC), and questions arise about these question and answer tools. Just what is a catechism? Should we use the (g)old standards, like the Westminster Shorter Catechism, or use newer versions like the NCC? With so many available, which one should we use? How are catechisms to be used? And does Kyle really make his kids say "executeth"?

Be sure to listen to this important discussion! And even hear the guys talk about a catechism of the catechism!

[audio mp3="https://threeguystheologizing.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/3gt-episode-40.mp3"][/audio]


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