3GT Episode 41: Reformed Popery
No, we are not introducing a new tulip-scented home fragrance. Rather, in light of recent downfalls by many men carrying the Reformed banner, the guys discuss pastors who abuse their authority in the church and act like mini-popes. The 3GTers discuss the importance of examining pastor wannabes carefully for character before ordaining them. They offer reminders for how the church should be structured Biblically to best keep authority in check. And for those who are in places where men are strutting around like they are wearing the papal mitre, suggestions are offered to congregants on what they might do.
It's another freewheeling discussion on 3GT you won't want to miss!
[audio mp3="https://threeguystheologizing.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/3gt-episode-41.mp3"][/audio]
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