Browse Worthy: Shots in the Arm

So often the news and even blogosphere can be depressing to read, from the latest political scandal to the next ecclesiastical controversy. Though living in this sin-drenched world means we have to deal with negative news, meditating on the grace of God in Christ can fill us with the Spirit's goodness. Here are a few good reads along those lines.

The State of Evangelicalism in America and all that Blah Blah Blah | Tim Challies

Encouraging to read our Canadian brother reminding those south of him how we should be grateful to God for all that he is using the American church to do around the world.

Assurance: a Pastoral Conversation | Jeffrey Stivason

An imagined but all-too-real conversation that shows how a pastor might help a parishioner whose mind is troubled regarding assurance of salvation.

Why and how do we sing to one other? | Matt Merker

A short video clip from 9Marks that explains that our congregational singing is not only to God, but to one another.

When Everything Is Missions | Kevin DeYoung

This article is a review of a book by this name (_When Everything is Missions _by Denny Spitters and Matthew Ellison) that explains its thesis: everything is not missions, should not be missions, and when "everything is missions, missions gets left behind." It is a freeing read and makes me want to get the book.

How to write a book with your wife | David Murray

Having just spoken with my wife at a gathering of women at the seminary, where (you won't believe this!) she actually did most of the talking, I found this article about David and Shona describing writing their book _Refresh _as "co-authors but not co-equal authors" itself refreshing. Some good lessons for how a husband and wife can encourage one another as they co-labor in ministry.