3GT Episode 66: Learning to Say "No"

Children learn how to say it pretty early. But when they grow up into busy Christian adults they seem to forget. How do we say "No" to good requests on our talents, time, and treasures when "Yes" seems so much easier?

As the three guys begin discussing this topic, one confesses he is a member of Yes Anonymous. Another has fun shouting "No!" But then they get down to business, and give conceptual ideas such as spheres, white space, and scales. They speak about how pride and a man-pleasing spirit fuels a lot of our over-busyness. They then share Biblical principles and look to Jesus for a paradigm. They talk about a few helpful books on the subject. Then they practice the art of "No"!

Hope you won't say "No" to this energetic episode of 3GT!

[audio mp3="https://threeguystheologizing.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/3gt-episode-66.mp3"][/audio]


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