/ Barry York

3GT Episode 72: Hitting the Pause Button

Kyle's been cruisin' again. Did he really say he had been to the Copacabana? Progreso, Mexico? Anyway, it got the guys talking about R&R, vacations, sabbaths, and even sabbaticals.

Questions arise. How do you slow down and disconnect in this fast-paced world in which we live? What principles of rest do the Scriptures give us? How does our Lord's example inform us? Should pastors take sabbaticals? If so, what kind and are there any hidden dangers that congregations should know about (there are!)? The 3GTers discuss these and many other items.

The guys simply want to help you hit the pause button - but just not on this episode!

[audio mp3="https://threeguystheologizing.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/3gt-episode-72.mp3"][/audio]


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Barry York

Barry York

Sinner by Nature - Saved by Grace. Husband of Miriam - Grateful for Privilege. Father of Six - Blessed by God. President of RPTS - Serve with Thankfulness. Author - Hitting the Marks.

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