Soul Food

As we ramp up for another year of chapel services during the academic year at Geneva College, it’s a blessing to reflect back upon the many Spirit-blessed proclamations of his holy Word we’ve been privileged to experience. The following is a list of five favorites culled from each of the five years I’ve been privileged to serve as Geneva’s chaplain. Some of them are from in-house (none are mine!) and some of them are from campus guests, including world-renowned scholar D.A. Carson. All of them can be found here and are grouped according to the year in which they were preached. May the Lord bless them to your heart as he did to ours when we first heard them!

“Feeling Like an Outsider?” (2013-14) Pastor and now Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary President Barry York

“Is God an Immoral Monster?” (2014-15) Geneva’s Dr. Byron Curtis

“The Greatest Bible Study Ever” (2015-16) Dr. Rich Ganz, Ottowa Theological Hall

“The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus” (2017-18) Dr. D.A. Carson, Trinity Evangelical Seminary

“A Place at the Table” – Minister and adjunct RPTS Professor Mark Robinson