Browse Worthy: The Overly Sexualized Church

One of the great ironies of the modern world is that society bombards us daily with the sexualization of everything, then appears surprised when people act out on these encouraged impulses. The church should stand as a fortress of holiness against this evil madness, acting as a city set on a hill whose light exposes the darkness. However, unfortunately, in too many places she is compromised and her walls have fallen down.

Here are a few links to remind us of the brokenness of the church in this area and ways we need to seek the restoration of its holiness.

Willow Creek Elders and Pastor Heather Larson Resign over Bill Hybels | Bob Smietna

A Christianity Today article describing the greater fallout over Bill Hybels' mistreatment of women. Leaders are resigning after more stories such as this one become known.

A tale of two confessions | Jesse Johnson

A sobering description of two fallen pastors, one of whom is Hybels, with good insights on proper and improper ways to handle the sexual sin of church leaders.

The Briefing | Al Mohler

Dr. Mohler addresses the Willow Creek matter but also the awful truths coming out of the Roman Catholic Church in my state of Pennsylvania. "We're talking about only six dioceses within one state, we're talking about 70 years with 300 priests involved and over 1000 victims with thousands more thought to be yet unidentified."

Marriage, Sexuality and the Church | Phil Steiger

This article reminds us of the power of strong marriages and healthy families, from one who is onvolved in the ministry of Sarah's Home, "a long-term home that provides ministry and support for girls rescued from human trafficking." Some great practical advice for churches on restoring holiness.

Revoice: Sliding into Heresy | Peter Jones

The Revoice Conference, held at a large PCA church in St. Louis recently, states very clearly its very muddled objective: "Supporting, encouraging, and empowering gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other LGBT Christians so they can flourish while observing the historic, Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality." Many PCA leaders are speaking out against it. Dr. Jones offers this insightful analysis and warning.