3GT Episode 108: Are You a WINO?

Scott wants to know. Are you a WINO? Westminster In Name Only? The guys have a vigorous discussion about the level of adherance one should have to the confession of faith of his or her church. 

Well, actually there is a vigorous discussion after Kyle's opening monologue! For he lays out very helpfully four different practices in the church regarding how closely one subscribes to their confession: Absolute Subscriptionism, Strict Subscriptionism, System Subscriptionism, and Substance Subscriptionism. When he does finish, then the guys get into it! Exceptions, liberalism dangers, paper popes, semper reformanda, micropresbyterianism...all types of topics are addressed!

So don't be a Wino and act drunk by thinking  confessions are unimportant! Tune in and sober up with this episode of 3GT!


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