A Midnight Post

Whew! Arrived home after an eighteen hour, six state drive from my daughter's home after a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Unloaded the car and, to unwind before hitting the sack, just jotting a few thoughts to share to keep my Monday Gentle Reformation commitment to write alive.

  • Winter Storm Bruce disrupted our travel plans, causing us to leave in the wee hours this morning and travel across snow packed and icy roads for the first four hours of our trip in Kansas and Missouri. Every mile or so during that time we saw cars and trucks off the road. They were either vehicles left with yellow Caution tape on them from the day before when the storm struck or fresh accidents from spinning out of control on the black ice today. We are very grateful to be safely home.

  • I was scheduled and looking forward to preaching for the Manhattan Reformed Presbyterian Church yesterday. But the storm canceled their services and we truly missed assembling with the saints there. I must say, however, in God's providence it was special to assemble with my family and worship together in my son-in-law's home as we sang, prayed, read and reflected on God's Word together, cozily protected from the harsh conditions outside.

  • Incredibly, the days before the snow storm were beautiful sunny ones in the 60's! We enjoyed a walk to a nearby reservoir, raking leaves in the yard, and playing basketball in the city park.

  • Miriam and I realized all over again what a blessing it is to be a grandparent. Having a one year old granddaughter snuggle contentedly on your lap for an hour in the morning, or having an almost three year old grandson come up and ask, "Granddad, will you play with me?" or "Granddad, will you read a book to me?", are great gifts from the Lord.

  • Oscar, our King Charles Spaniel, seems happiest of all to be back in familiar surroundings. He is snuggled up next to me on my easy chair as I ready myself for tomorrow's activities which includes preaching in the RPTS chapel. Thankful for wonderful breaks, and thankful for wonderful work to return to tomorrow...if I get this post out right now!