Give My Head Peace!

Here are a few brief meditations on Psalm 4


Absalom rebelled, David relocated, and citizens rocked when forced to a choice - either side with the rebels or stand with the royals: the risk was that wrath would tear Israel apart. So now God's Anointed (or Christ) cries for cool heads on all sides - God's church-nation will heal in the peace that His monarch will broker.

King Prays - Verse 1

King David’s in straits. He asks what is right. He’s not in the wrong. He knows God is just. He looks to the past. The LORD saved before. Stress-relieve me again.

Foes Stop - Verses 2-3

His foes must arrest. They’re misled by lies. This coup can’t succeed. The LORD guards His cause. Stop shaming their king. Fall back into line. He’ll hear David’s plea.

All Calm - Verses 4-5

The Kingdom must still. If rebels cause splits, those loyal may rage. All saints must reflect. None should take revenge. In faith offer blood. Seek pardon from God.

Friends Smile - Verses 6-7

His friends feel despondent. Their king seeks priest-blessing. If foes dance with joy when winning with sin, David’s joy is far better than their ‘happy-hour’ parties.

King Sleeps - Verse 8

With God as a pillow there is no call to fret. He lies down and snores. His kingdom is safe.  With Yahweh on watch, David steals forty winks. Messiah will wake - His God ensures that.

Lessons For Kingdom Conflict

Whether stress comes from inside or outside the Church, in the form or dispute or distress, Psalm 4 gives Christ-like perspective and power to shape Christian prayer:

1. Members of the body who suffer with the Head should seek aid from God: The Spirit of Christ empowers cries in hearts.

2. True disciples of Christ can be misled, by lies and propaganda, into siding with the wicked or the world in times of conflict or persecution: loyal believers must show charity (which they draw down from Christ who supplies grace and strength).

3. Even faithful followers, who are right to be angry, can boil over sinfully. Christ offers God’s pardon to all who repent.

4. Times of distress can make Christians doubt. When evil is winning don’t join in with sinning. Joy in God and His Church is lasting and solid.

5. The LORD controls trials. We must know God reigns. In all circumstances, you must keep your head. Our God will grant peace. Seek and pursue it earnestly.