A Prayer "Catechism" by TableTalk

If you are familiar with TableTalk magazine, the monthly devotional periodical produced by Ligonier Ministries, you know that each issue normally has a main theme with a handful of articles addressing it. For the March issue, the editorial team chose prayer as a theme but did something unique. They devoted 25 articles to this topic!

In speaking with Robert Rothwell and Aaron Garriott, Associate Editor and Managing Director respectively of TableTalk, while in Orlando recently, they told me the idea was that this issue would be a catechism of sorts on prayer. For each brief article is answering a particular question about prayer, from "Why Is It So Hard to Pray?" to "What Posture Should I Use When I Pray?" to "Is It Necessary to End Every Prayer with “in Jesus’ Name”?" to "How Can I Pray for the World?". As one who always feels the need to grow in prayer, reading one of these practical articles each morning for devotions has encouraged me in conversing with our Heavenly Father. Also, my shepherding group in my church that meets in our home has started concentrating on prayer, and already I have found the teaching here bringing further focus as we seek God's throne of mercy together.

If you would like to see these articles, you can go here then click the cover page picture that looks like the one with this post. You will see the articles listed and can read them online (disclosure: I did contribute one of the articles). Better yet, you can subscribe to Tabletalk here to have this wonderful resource delivered to your home. Through the years, this magazine has always been near my Bible to refresh and stimulate my devotions.