The Best Advice I've Gotten All Semester . . .

I’ve been privileged these past many months to be a student again, and as such to sit under some fine, soul-stretching, heart-and-mind enriching teaching.  The semester is at its most intense with regard to deadlines for projects, papers and presentations (oh, my!).  So, right before I get back to it, I’d like to encourage you with some of the best, if not the best, counsel I’ve gotten all semester.

It’s godly wisdom which one of my professors gave me a few weeks back midway through a blessed, stressed semester full of such gifts.  It was and is an exhortation theologically sound, immediately and always existentially applicable, sagacious and succinct, simple in its profundity and profound in its simplicity - words I just needed to hear and beyond hearing, to put into practice.  Here is that treasurable counsel, an inexhaustible trove of wisdom and comfort as we understand it because and in light of the risen Christ:

Keep Rejoicing.
