Let These Be My Attitudes

When I look at the Beatitudes, I have to check my attitudes, to see if I’m in step with God, or just putting on a “Christian” façade.

Am I spiritually poor without Christ? Do I mourn for my sin? Do I realize my daily need for him?

Is my meekness really God’s strength under control? Will I hunger and thirst for righteousness in order to be whole?

Does the forgiveness and mercy I extend along the way mirror the grace he gave when my debts he died to pay?

Is my heart pure and transparent so that others may see, it’s not me in control but Christ living in me?

Do I strive for peace when problems arise, not “at any cost,” but only through God’s eyes?

Will I be persecuted for my faith in Christ? Should I let my cheek be struck not once but twice?

Oh, when this happens I will rejoice and be glad! For then will I see the victory he’s had, as I proclaim God’s Word to a fallen world and watch his glory be unfurled!