Truths for our Times

It is with sadness I read this morning of an U.S. Anglican Bishop who is being tried by a panel for breach of ecclesiastical code. The crime in question is refusal of gay marriage. We should pray his worldwide communion would spring to the faithful bishop's defence.

It is no less grieving to hear PCA floorboards creak on the matter of 'Revoice.' If reports are correct, it is tragic to learn of a work linked to Memorial, Missouri, that has sponsored an LGBTQ event. Personhood and intersectionality theory have muddied streams - these ideological challenges threaten Reformed brethren.

At times like this, it is vital godly feet are set boldly on bedrock of firm foundations of Scripture. In this respect, few sections of Holy Writ are more important than the Mosaic creation account. If it is tempting to pause questions of originality to major on liturgy, the Pentateuchal history has broader, self-evident, goals.

Genesis 1-3 commences with a rich diet of doctrine before it comes to rest on the Day of doxology. The Creator's being, character and attributes blaze forth in His luminous handiwork. His Lordship is loud-spoken over His covenantal image, Adam, who is given a mandate, as Christ taught, to master, marry and multiply.

Robust response to current gender and person debates will likely only gain traction as we uphold original confidence. This is certainly not a day to shake the nerve of faith. Bad timing, it seems, was the 'Princetonian Greats' mis-step: it was crazy to concede Creation just as Darwinian incoherence was about to capture the West.

When foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do? Look to the LORD, shore up the church, firm up our youth, lest the house be swept away by raging currents of the day. There are parts of Moses' account where dogmatism is unwise, yet unity and clarity on history is a fine feast to serve to make the church stand tall.