The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Readalong

My office has a window facing north that opens to miles and miles of fields. As I sit looking out that window I see dreary skies, rain puddles, and the promise of more storms on the horizon. In some ways it's a metaphor of where society finds itself these days as we endure the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people are being quarantined or imposing self-isolation on themselves and their families as we weather the storm of sickness and disease.

Interestingly, this brief pause from the routines of normal life has brought about creative ways to fill our time – especially the harnessing of social media. We may need to socially distance ourselves but wonderful avenues have opened up to stay connected. If you'll indulge me for a moment of shameless self-promotion, our church's Facebook page is holding a weekday readalong of C.S. Lewis's timeless classic The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

I've written before of my appreciation for C.S. Lewis. He was brilliant though not always in a biblically satisfying way. Nevertheless, he was the first to show me that Christianity - a faith centered and concentrated on the truth - can still value the imagination. Against the Rationalism ofhis day he returned a sense of poetry to logic, and against Romanticism he returned logic to poetry.  Even in my adult years I love re-reading The Chronicles of Narina.

So here's an invitation to you to join me every weekday as I read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. To tune in head over to Winchester RPCNA's Facebook page (here), and be sure to "Like" us. Then tune in every morning via our live-stream at 10:30am (CST) as I read a thirty-minute portion of the book. I just started on Wednesday, and if you missed the first two readings you can rewatch them: chapters 1-2 (here) and chapters 3-4 (here). I'd love to have you join us! And remember: "Some journeys take us far from home..."