Is Protesting Christian?

"What do protests actually do?" "Do you think Christians should protest alongside of those groups?" "How does this actually promote justice?" These were the questions that I was asking my friend Ryan as I sought to understand the philosophy and theology of protest. We need to understand what is going on in our country.

Why Ryan? Because not only is he a reformed Christian (RPCNA), but he's also an expert on radical abolition in early American history. He has taught on activism, dissent, and protest, all from a reformed Christian perspective.

As the discussion continued, we decided to do an interview on the theology and philosophy of protests, but that morphed into a micro-lecture series. I want to share that micro-lecture series with you. You may not agree with all the conclusions, and that's okay. As Christians, we need to consider both the means of change in society as well as be able to discern which movements ought to be promoted. Thanks Dr. McIlhenny for my lecture series... but it ought to shared more widely.

Here is lecture 1 of Dr. McIlhenny's new series. The following micro-lectures will appear on the same Youtube channel:

More information:
For more information on Dr. Ryan McIlhenny, you can visit his website:

You can check out some of the books he's written here: