
Remember to adore the LORD who gave man the Sabbath as a sacred precious gift.

Remember to confess each bored or careless breach - those before or after church.

Remember to give thanks for one day to start the week to refresh and nourish hearts so our bodies can de-stress.

Remember to cry for blessing God attached to the resurrection day of Christ, and for grace and glory to shine through the pulpit to the pew.

Remember this is a moment not for fasting but for feasting - whether at public or private worship in our homes or in God's House.

Remember to ask for light and heat to worship in Spirit and truth - for heart strings in tune with a mouth filled with psalms joined in harmony to Christ.

Remember this is the LORD's Day and not your day.

Remember this is not FUNday but SONday.

Remember this is a day for God's family, not your own - first and foremost.

Remember this is not a HOLIDAY but a Holy Day.

Remember "Sabbath sins are double sins" and "the better the day, the worse the deed."

So on this Day, put aside earth's pursuits and defilements of the flesh and seek grace in Christ to be more holy, like Jesus, in all you do and say.

Remember this day not as one of miserable cursing but abundant, magnanimous, blessing.

Remember to gaze through this window at spiritual rest in Christ - but equally recall that all grace we get is a load-lifting foretaste of fullest glory to come.

Remember we haven't yet reached our final geographical resting place - our heavenly SABBATISMOS still lies ahead of us - new heavens and new earth is the future blessed rest of God's forgiven saints.

Remember to set your hearts not on earthly things below but to elevate cardiac eyeballs to the exalted King above.

Remember to put down your pens, turn off tools, ignore the internet and whatever else deflects, distracts, and detracts from your bliss.

Remember to charge-up if your battery is flat - get just enough R and R to clear your muggy head to max-out on means of grace for full impact of the Word.

Remember even if neighbours, networks, and no-one else recalls - if society forgets and most are guilty of neglect, be sure not to forget commandment number 4 from table number 1 of God's Abiding Moral Law - expect an abundant harvest of fruit as you abide in Christ.

Remember to hold your ground on this positive command if liberals want progress or legalists seek loopholes to sully your Sabbath joy with stifling Pharisaic frowns.

Remember vital essentials and multiply mercy works - besides the duty to worship and to let your flock relax, the poor, weak, sick, and broken also need your help.

Remember, O Church... for a little while, come apart with Christ - until the day breaks and until the shadows flee - rest in His embrace in His garden paradise!