Further Sanctified: Really and Personally

Much confusion exists in the modern church regarding the doctrine of sanctification. In seeking to provide more clarity on this subject, I enjoyed working with my colleagues at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in putting together our annual Westminster Conference on this subject earlier this fall.

Using the phrase above from the Westminster Confession of Faith as our theme, RPTS professors gave talks on this subject from Old Testament studies, historical theological developments, and practical theological applications to counseling and preaching. We sought to treat this theme with academic integrity and pastoral application.

You can read a fuller introduction here. You can also go to our partners at the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals here if you are interested in getting downloads of the talks.

We also put these messages into articles which can be read at the links below.

Be Holy For I Am Holy: The Doctrine of Sanctification in Leviticus 20:7-8) | C.J. Williams

John Owen: Perseverance and Mortification in the Christian Life | Richard Gamble

Warfield on Sanctification and Eschatology | Jeffrey Stivason

How Sanctification Works: The Westminster Assembly and Progressive Sanctification | Keith Evans

The Right Channel of New Obedience: Sanctification in The Sum of Saving Knowledge | David Whitla

Keeping Nothing Back Which May Promote Holy Ends: Westminster on Preaching and Sanctification | Barry York