Little Lives

In reading a recent issue of our denomination’s magazine, The Reformed Presbyterian Witness, a news item from another congregation caught my attention. It wasn’t just that the article mentioned the granddaughter of a dear friend, although that is true. It also wasn’t just that the article mentioned awards being received by this young eighth-grade granddaughter, although that is true as well. What engaged by heart was the title of a documentary put together by this young gal from Kansas, “All the World Loves a Baby: Breaking the Two Pound Barrier.”

Allison Reed from Topeka, Kansas, won first prize in the 2020 National History Day junior individual documentary competition for her research on the work of Martin Couney and his efforts to save premature babies’ lives using incubators. Most of us think medical inventions and technology come through the medical field. Not so with the story of Couney, whose work with incubators came via side-show attractions at places such as Coney Island.

We have just passed another anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision which legalized abortion in the United States. This is an annual reminder of countless lives lost in our country.

My heart was warmed by Allison’s documentary, and I was thankful to learn about Martin Couney and his efforts one hundred years ago to save little lives in our country. I encourage you to take a few minutes of your time and watch this wonderful documentary:

Thank you, Allison, for learning about and sharing with others the efforts of one man to save little lives!