Gospel Seasons

If God were to write the gospel
In the creation He has made,
If He spoke words into pictures -
A wondrous plan to be displayed -

Might He have made it a painting
With the seasons He has given?
Shown us through His own handiwork
The Sermon coming down from heav’n?

Would the cold blackness of winter,
Shrouding the earth with its bleak death,
Speak of our heart’s dire condition,
Lifeless without the Spirit’s breath?

Then might the bursting of each sprout,
Bud, bloom, and blossom in the spring
Shout forth with the glad rejoicing
That Christ’s salvation is to bring?

Could the growth and green of summer
So vivid, so full, and so sure,
Tell of the life He provides as
Those in union with Him mature?

May then autumn’s bountiful harvest
With ripened grain, corn’s ear, and fruit
Remind of the good works promised
To one whose faith in Him has root?

Do not questions like these provide
Answers that tell the clear story?
Earth's Creator and Redeemer
Illustrates His own true glory!