Evangelistic Videos
Recently students at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary were challenged to produce videos of 3-5 minutes that proclaimed the gospel to others. Students in adjunct professor Ed Blackwood's evangelism class has to do the video as an assignment, while other students were invited to participate as well. A friend of RPTS even donated funds to award those who produced outstanding videos. The requirements of the video besides the length was that the gospel had to be clearly taught, with the death and resurrection of Christ emphasized; story telling was utilized in the video; the heart as well as the mind of the audience was clearly in aim; and creativity was used to draw viewers' interest. We had nineteen videos submitted, and those of us who judged them were blessed by the students' passion and creativity.
Below are the top three videos, along with another one for grandchildren that was one of my favorites as well as a great idea one of our students had for local church outreach. Watch these videos and be blessed by them, but then think about the following and take one more important step.
Recently Abraham Piper, the son of Pastor John Piper, has produced numerous TikTok videos explaining why he has left the faith and mocking Christianity. Many of these videos have gone viral and are promoted actively by the media, who love these deconversion stories by famous "exangelicals". As believers, we need to be bold and persistent in sharing Christ in the face of all the opposition we see. Why not take one or more of these videos - or produce one of your own - and send it to those who need to hear the truth of the gospel?
Jerry Foltz | Have You Ever Considered Eternity?
Johnathan Kruis | The Most Important Message
Allen Blackwood | Tsunami Warning!
Paul Tong | For My Grandchildren
Aaron Murray | Good News for Bad People
Aaron not only produced the video below, but came up with a further creative idea for sharing it with others. He created this card for his church with a QV Code, so he can hand it to people who can later scan it on their phones then watch the video.