A Servant Has Died
A giant of the faith has died. A servant of the Lord has entered his eternal rest. This servant impacted many. God had great plans for this servant when he knit him in his mother's womb. God saved him and prepared good works for him to do. This servant did his work in the church and in the community. When we asked the family how many people to expect for the funeral they answered, "A lot." The impact of his ministry is felt far and wide in our region.

This servant of the Lord did not have a radio ministry. This servant of the Lord never stood before the congregation to pray. His ministry was not teaching the Scriptures. His ministry was service. Indeed, he was a deacon. That's exactly what the word "deacon" means - servant.
My brother, my friend, Bob has gone to be with the one who taught him how to serve. Jesus declared to his disciples, "the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve." Bob left a legacy of a gentle love for Christ. A legacy of loving and serving the church. A legacy of loving and serving the least of these. He left of legacy of caring for widows and down trodden. This deacon served the people he loved. Bob left a legacy of hard work, serving people both in the church and in the community. Bob left a legacy of being a dependable friend to both young and old.

There's no doubt, that the little country church where Bob was baptised will be filled with people to whom he showed Christlike love. On Thursday morning the pews will be filled with people he has served. The congregation, the family, and the community will hear the gospel Bob believed in. We will also remember the deacon who showed us the gospel in action. The church needs more deacons. The world needs more deacons. The world needs more Christ like servants who show their love. Jesus himself said, "By this everyone will know that you all are my disciples, if you have love for one another."