
There are so many unexpected opportunities to bring a word about Christ to those we meet each day.

On my way home from a run (my first in the US - it took me 6 months) late this afternoon (in dripping 90 F degree heat), I came across a young man digging up tree roots beneath a sidewalk slab.

"What can I say about roots?" I pondered, as I slowed my pace to a walk. So I just plucked up courage and said "Hi! Good job that! Digging up tree roots!"

The young man looked up, stopped, leant on his shovel, and beamed.

"You know," I added, "Jesus said He was the Root of David & Bright Morning Star. That means Jesus is the King of God's Kingdom" I added. "Have a nice day!"

He smiled, said "Thank YOU, Sir!" and we parted company. I didn't have the presence of mind, or breath, to tell him to check out the last chapter of the Bible!

I suppose I don't know what he thinks about the strange "roots" comments of a slightly eccentric, semi-asthmatic, Irishman who looked he needed an inhaler.

But, I pray, as long as he DOES think a bit, maybe something may stick and he might try a Google Search on "What does 'Root of David' have to do with Jesus?"

Or, alternatively, perhaps something of the Light of Christ, the Morning Star, will, as Peter says, dawn in his heart, shine in His mind, and lead Him to our Lord.

So, pray for an opportunity, be ready when it comes, be bold, speak truth for Jesus - perhaps a verse on roots (or something else in sight) may be a connecting link to Jesus, or a key the Spirit takes to unlock some poor lost soul's heart!

Blessings in the Blessed and Worthy Name!