Continuing to Abide in the Almighty's Shadow

Six months ago this month, our family's life was changed with the shooting of our son-in-law, Tommy. A new patrol officer for the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department who was just in his third week of service after graduating from the academy, Tommy took a bullet through his throat and larynx as he sought to apprehend a suspect. He and my daughter Emory's lives have been filled with surgeries, doctor appointments, therapy, and many adjustments over this past half year. Our family continues to thank the Lord for the healing and grace He has given to this special couple.

Whether in my travels around the church or in communications, people regularly ask me about how Tommy is doing. As Emory wrote here on Gentle Reformation a month after the shooting to share her perspective in Abiding in the Almighty's Shadow, I thought readers might appreciate reading and viewing some of the following news pieces various Indianapolis television stations did on Tommy & Emory this week.  

This piece "Wounded IMPD officer, wife express gratitude amidst long recovery from shooting" explains the progress Tommy has made and their thankfulness for it.

This second piece "IMPD Officer injured in shooting shares recovery, how he’s found strength" gives more details of the road they have traveled and the next surgery Tommy will have.

One reporter picked up on their faith and asked them more direct questions related to it in "'It's about service' IMPD officer who was shot and critically injured in Feb. finds strength in his faith". He even asked Emory to read from the psalm she referenced in her article above.

Thank you for your love and prayers for Tommy & Emory.