Shepherding through Catechesis

This article appears in the October edition of Tabletalk magazine.

Noting the culture’s incessant promotion of LGBTQ lifestyles, Kevin DeYoung stated: “The world is already busy promoting its catechism. The only question is whether we will get busy promoting ours.” Given that the world is bombarding us with vain philosophies, shepherding the church through catechizing is as important as ever. To provide clear boundaries and green pastures of truth, elders should prioritize catechizing in the local church.

Catechesis is a method of instruction that involves memorizing doctrinal questions and answers. The two most common catechisms in Reformed churches are the Heidelberg Catechism and the Westminster Shorter Catechism. If you do not have a copy, it’s easy to download an app containing them or order copies to be sent to your home. Now, with a catechism in hand, what should you know?

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