3GT Episode 272: Pastors are Different

Yes, you can read that title more than one way! But the way it is meant is that pastors have a variety of gifts and abilities they bring to the ministry. That was the intended theme of this episode of 3GT. But wow, how things go off the rails right from the start! Granddad jokes. Monkey references. Hurt thumbs. Cardigans and cats. Finally Scott the host brings things back together and the guys get to the subject at hand.

For congregations and the pastors that serve them must recognize there are all kinds of pastors. Ministers can have different giftedness in areas such as preaching, shepherding, administration, etc. Consequently, pastors should not put false guilt on themselves by comparing themselves to others more gifted and churches need to be careful not to do the same. The guys discuss learning to identify, appreciate, and cultivate the gifts pastors have without burdening them with undue expectations.

This episode is for pastors and congregations alike! So tune in once again to 3GT and, if you want to bypass the guys' shenanigans, then go straight to the 4:30 mark!
