Every Video Lecture From the "Imago Dei" Theology Conference on Human Sexuality and Redemption
This past November, Gospel Fellowship PCA, a Reformed and Bible-believing church in Valencia, PA hosted a theology conference related to the topic of human gender and sexuality. The title of the conference was called "The Image of God: Sexual Sin and Redemption." The conference was put together by the Christian Education Committee of Gospel Fellowship PCA.
This conference was important, not only in presenting a Reformed, Confessional, and Biblical witness to the world; but also to clarify some of the errors and confusion created by the Revoice Conference, promoting Side-B Christianity. Since this now infamous conference – Revoice – has created such confusion and division in many presbyteries of the PCA, the Session and elders of Gospel Fellowship PCA thought it would be wise to host a conference in which a more traditional, conservative, and Reformed perspective on these matters was presented.
The Imago Dei conference was attended in live attendance by 130 persons. Hundreds more have viewed each video. A number of Reformed speakers participated at the event, including ministers and professors from two denominations, the PCA and the RPCNA.
In the below post, I will place a direct link to each speaker and their video conference message so that readers of Gentle Reformation can have them all in one convenient place for viewing.
Dr. Richard Gamble, "The Image of God"
Dr. C.J. Williams, "The Law of God and Sexuality"
Prof. Keith Evans, "Transgenderism"
Dr. Barry York, "Pornography"
Dr. Jeff Stivason, "Marriage and Divorce"
Dr. Jim Weidenaar, "Homosexuality"
Dr. Matthew Everhard, "Preaching Christ in a World of Chaos"
Rev. David O'Leary, "Covenantal Sexuality"
(Note on the cover art: the painting featured in the above thumbnail for this post as well as the covers of all the sermon message videos is "The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise," by Benjamin West. 1791. Oil on canvas).