On this Day: The Conversion of Charles Spurgeon

On this day in history, Charles Spurgeon was converted.

Known as the "Prince of Preachers," Spurgeon is easily among the most influential and widely-read ministers of all time. His writings have the power to cross over denomination lines and have inspired the hearts of many.

The story of his conversion is beautiful. On January 6th, 1850, Spurgeon was converted by a very simple sermon from Isaiah 45:22, "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else."

The preacher was a Methodist layman, as the presiding minister was waylaid by a tremendous snowstorm, and unable to attend church. Spurgeon too was not supposed to be there that day but stumbled into the small chapel due to the fiercely driven snow. Not expecting to preach that morning, the layman simply read the text and gave the following memorable points.

1) Look!

2) Unto Me!

3) And be Ye Saved!

In this short, 8-minute video, I tell the story of God's beautiful work in this great preacher's heart. Truly this Reformed Baptist, converted as he was through the sermon of a Methodist, has blessed many a Presbyterian!